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Personvernerklæringen handler om hvordan Bruenech AS samler inn og bruker informasjon om besøkende på våre nettsteder. Erklæringen inneholder informasjon du har krav på når det samles inn opplysninger fra nettstedet vårt (personopplysningsloven § 19), og generell informasjon om hvordan vi behandler personopplysninger (personopplysningsloven § 18, 1.ledd).

Bruenech, ved daglig leder, er behandlingsansvarlig for virksomhetens behandling av personopplysninger. Det er frivillig for de som besøker nettsidene å oppgi personopplysninger i forbindelse med tjenester som å motta nyhetsbrev og sende oss en henvendelse via vårt kontaktskjema. Behandlingsgrunnlaget er samtykke fra den enkelte, med mindre annet er spesifisert.

Webanalyse og informasjonskapsler (cookies)

Som en viktig del av arbeidet med å lage et brukervennlig nettsted, ser vi på brukermønsteret til de som besøker nettstedet. For å analysere informasjonen, bruker vi analyseverktøyet Google Analytics.

Google Analytics bruker informasjonskapsler/cookies (små tekstfiler som nettstedet lagrer på brukerens datamaskin), som registrerer brukernes IP-adresse, og som gir informasjon om den enkelte brukers bevegelser på nett. Eksempler på hva statistikken gir oss svar på er; hvor mange som besøker ulike sider, hvor lenge besøket varer, hvilke nettsteder brukerne kommer fra og hvilke nettlesere som benyttes. Ingen av informasjonskapslene gjør at vi kan knytte informasjon om din bruk av nettstedet til deg som enkeltperson.

Informasjonen som samles inn av Google Analytics, lagres på Googles servere i USA. Mottatte opplysninger er underlagt Googles retningslinjer for personvern.

En IP-adresse er definert som en personopplysning fordi den kan spores tilbake til en bestemt maskinvare og dermed til en enkeltperson. Bruenech benytter Google Analytics sin sporingskode som anonymiserer IP-adressen før informasjonen lagres og bearbeides av Google. Dermed kan ikke den lagrede IP-adressen brukes til å identifisere den enkelte brukeren.


Bruenech lagrer informasjon om hvilke søkeord brukerne benytter på våre nettsteder i Google Analytics. Formålet med lagringen er å gjøre informasjonstilbudet vårt bedre. Bruksmønsteret for søk lagres i aggregert form. Det er bare søkeordet som lagres, og de kan ikke kobles til andre opplysninger om brukerne, slik som til IP-adressene.


Funksjonen «Del med andre» kan brukes til å videresende lenker til nettstedet på e-post, eller til å dele innholdet på sosiale nettsamfunn. Opplysninger om tips logges ikke hos oss, men brukes kun der og da til å legge inn tipset hos nettsamfunnet. Vi kan imidlertid ikke garantere at nettsamfunnet ikke logger disse opplysningene. Alle slike tjenester bør derfor brukes med vett. Dersom du benytter e-postfunksjonen, bruker vi bare de oppgitte e-postadressene til å sende meldingen videre uten noen form for lagring.


Det er mulig å abonnere på nyhetsbrev fra Bruenech sin nettside. For at vi skal sende e-post til riktig person, må vi registrere navn og e-postadresse. Vi registrerer også virksomheten du arbeider for. Disse opplysningene deles ikke med andre virksomheter, og slettes når vi får beskjed om at du ikke lenger ønsker å motta informasjon fra oss. Opplysningene slettes også om vi får tilbakemelding om at e-postadressen ikke lenger er aktiv.

Side- og tjenestefunksjonalitet

Det blir brukt informasjonskapsler i drift og presentasjon av data fra nettsteder. Slike informasjonskapsler kan inneholde informasjon om språkkode for språk valgt av brukeren. Det kan være informasjonskapsler med informasjon som støtter om lastbalanseringen av systemet slik at alle brukere blir sikret en best mulig opplevelse. Ved tjenester som krever innlogging eller søk kan det bli brukt informasjonskapsler som sikrer at tjenesten presenterer data til rett mottaker.

Hvordan håndtere informasjonskapsler i din nettleser

På kan du lese om hvordan du stiller inn nettleseren for å godta/avvise informasjonskapsler, og få tips til sikrere bruk av internett.

Privacy Policy Makspower Bluetooth App

This policy applies to the Makspower app (“Makspower” or “we”). We attach importance to the
maintenance and protection of users’ personal information. We may collect and use your
personal information when you use our products and services. The purpose of this privacy policy
is to show you how we collect, store, use or share your personal information. I hope you can read
this privacy policy carefully so that you can make the right choice when you need it. By using or continuing to use the products or services of Makspower, you agree to collect, store, use and share your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.

[Information collection]
We will collect information about how you use our products or services and how you use them:

Device information:
We will receive and record the device related information (such as device model, operating
system version, device settings, unique device identifier, device environment and other software
and hardware characteristics information) and the location of the device (such as IP address, GPS
location and sensor information such as WLAN access point, Bluetooth and base station that can
provide relevant information). If you refuse to grant us corresponding permissions during
installation and / or use, we will not record the above corresponding information.

[Information use]
The information collected through the above channels will be used in the following channels:

Provide you with products or services

If we stop operating Makspower products or services, we will timely stop the activities of
continuing to collect your personal information, notify you of the notice of stopping operation in
the form of one by one delivery or announcement, and delete or anonymize the personal
information related to the closed business we hold.
If we use the information for other purposes not specified in this policy, or use the information
collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, we will seek your prior consent.

[information sharing]
We will not share your personal information with companies, organizations
and individuals other than Makspower, except in the following cases:

Sharing under legal circumstances: we may share your personal information according to laws
and regulations, litigation dispute resolution needs, or according to the requirements of
administrative and judicial organs. Sharing with explicit consent: with your explicit consent, we will share your personal information with other parties. Sharing in the case of your active choice: when you purchase goods or services through the platform, we will share the necessary information related to the transaction in your order information with the suppliers of relevant goods or services according to your choice, so as to realize your needs of transaction and after-sales service.
Share with related companies: In order to provide you with products and services based on our
platform account, recommend information that you may be interested in, identify abnormal
member account numbers, and protect the personal and property safety of Makspower’s
affiliated companies or other users or the public from infringement, your personal information
may be shared with our affiliated companies and / or their designated service providers. We will
only share the necessary personal information and are subject to the purposes stated in this
privacy policy. If we share your personal sensitive information or the affiliated company changes
the purpose of using and processing personal information, we will ask your authorization again. Share with authorized partners: We may entrust authorized partners to provide you with certain
services or perform functions on our behalf. We will only share your information for the
legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes stated in this privacy policy. Authorized partners can only access the information they need to perform their duties, and shall
not use this information for any other purposes. We will agree strict data protection measures
with them to handle personal information in accordance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy
and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

[Information transfer]
We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual except
for the following circumstances:

Transfer with explicit consent: after obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal
information to other parties.
In the case of merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation of Makspower or its affiliated
companies, or other cases involving merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, if the transfer
of personal information is involved, we will require the new company or organization holding
your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy, otherwise we will require the
company, organization or individual to seek your authorization again.

[Public disclosure]
We will only disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

We may publicly disclose your personal information with your explicit consent or based on your
active choice;
If we determine that you have violated laws and regulations or seriously violated the relevant
agreements and rules of Makspower platform, or in order to protect the personal and property
safety of platform users or the public from infringement, we may disclose your personal
information in accordance with laws and regulations or with your consent, including relevant
violations and the measures taken by the platform against you. For example, if you seriously
violate the rules of the platform by selling counterfeit goods, we may publicly disclose your
certification body information and violations.

Under the following circumstances, no prior authorization is required for sharing, transferring or
disclosing your personal information:
Related to national security and national defense security;
Related to public safety, public health and major public interests;
Related to judicial or administrative law enforcement, such as criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;
In order to protect your or other personal life, property and other major legitimate rights and
interests, but it is difficult to get my consent;
Personal information that you disclose to the public on your own;
Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels. Please note that according to the applicable laws, if we take technical measures and other
necessary measures to process the personal information, so that the data receiver can not re
identify a specific individual and can not recover, the sharing, transfer and public disclosure of
such processed data do not need to notify you and obtain your consent.

[Change of privacy policy]
Our privacy policy is subject to change. Without your explicit consent, we will not limit your rights under the privacy policy. We will post any changes to our privacy policy on a dedicated page. For major changes, we will also provide more significant notice (including notice through the way of Makspower platform publicity, and even pop-up prompt).

Significant changes to privacy policy include, but are not limited to:
There has been a major change in our service model. Such as the purpose of personal
information processing, the type of personal information processing, the use of personal
information, etc;
We have made significant changes in control, etc. Such as the merger and reorganization of
information controller changes;
The main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure have changed;
Significant changes have taken place in your right to participate in personal information
processing and the way you exercise it;
Our responsible departments, contact information and complaint channels for handling personal
information security have changed;
Personal information security impact assessment report shows that there is a high risk

Privacy Policy for other applications: read here.

Tellus Application:

This policy applies to the Tellus Fritid app (“Tellus Fritid” or “we”). We attach importance to the maintenance and protection of users’ personal information. We may collect and use your personal information when you use our products and services. The purpose of this privacy policy is to show you how we collect, store, use or share your personal information. I hope you can read this privacy policy carefully so that you can make the right choice when you need it.

By using or continuing to use the products or services of Tellus Fritid, you agree to collect, store, use and share your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.

[Information collection]
We will collect information about how you use our products or services and how you use them:

Device information:
we will receive and record the device related information (such as device model, operating system version, device settings, unique device identifier, device environment and other software and hardware characteristics information) and the location of the device (such as IP address, GPS location and sensor information such as WLAN access point, Bluetooth and base station that can provide relevant information). If you refuse to grant us corresponding permissions during installation and / or use, we will not record the above corresponding information.

[Information use]
The information collected through the above channels will be used in the following channels: Provide you with products or services

If we stop operating Tellus Fritid products or services, we will timely stop the activities of continuing to collect your personal information, notify you of the notice of stopping operation in the form of one by one delivery or announcement, and delete or anonymize the personal information related to the closed business we hold.

If we use the information for other purposes not specified in this policy, or use the information collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, we will seek your prior consent.
[information sharing] We will not share your personal information with companies, organizations and individuals other than Tellus Fritid, except in the following cases:

Sharing under legal circumstances: we may share your personal information according to laws and regulations, litigation dispute resolution needs, or according to the requirements of administrative and judicial organs.
Sharing with explicit consent: with your explicit consent, we will share your personal information with other parties.

Sharing in the case of your active choice: when you purchase goods or services through the platform, we will share the necessary information related to the transaction in your order information with the suppliers of relevant goods or services according to your choice, so as to realize your needs of transaction and after-sales service.

Share with related companies: In order to provide you with products and services based on our platform account, recommend information that you may be interested in, identify abnormal member account numbers, and protect the personal and property safety of Tellus Fritid’s affiliated companies or other users or the public from infringement, your personal information may be shared with our affiliated companies and / or their designated service providers. We will only share the necessary personal information and are subject to the purposes stated in this privacy policy. If we share your personal sensitive information or the affiliated company changes the purpose of using and processing personal information, we will ask your authorization again. Share with authorized partners: We may entrust authorized partners to provide you with certain services or perform functions on our behalf. We will only share your information for the legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes stated in this privacy policy. Authorized partners can only access the information they need to perform their duties, and shall not use this information for any other purposes. We will agree strict data protection measures with them to handle personal information in accordance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

[Information transfer]

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual except for the following circumstances:
Transfer with explicit consent: after obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties.

In the case of merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation of Tellus Fritid or its affiliated companies, or other cases involving merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, if the transfer of personal information is involved, we will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy, otherwise we will require the company, organization or individual to seek your authorization again.

[Public disclosure]

We will only disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:
We may publicly disclose your personal information with your explicit consent or based on your active choice;
If we determine that you have violated laws and regulations or seriously violated the relevant agreements and rules of Tellus Fritid platform, or in order to protect the personal and property safety of platform users or the public from infringement, we may disclose your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations or with your consent, including relevant violations and the measures taken by the platform against you. For example, if you seriously violate the rules of the platform by selling counterfeit goods, we may publicly disclose your certification body information and violations.

Under the following circumstances, no prior authorization is required for sharing, transferring or

disclosing your personal information:
Related to national security and national defense security;
Related to public safety, public health and major public interests;
Related to judicial or administrative law enforcement, such as criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;
In order to protect your or other personal life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to get my consent;
Personal information that you disclose to the public on your own;
Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

Please note that according to the applicable laws, if we take technical measures and other necessary measures to process the personal information, so that the data receiver can not re identify a specific individual and can not recover, the sharing, transfer and public disclosure of such processed data do not need to notify you and obtain your consent.

[Change of privacy policy]

Our privacy policy is subject to change.
Without your explicit consent, we will not limit your rights under the privacy policy. We will post any changes to our privacy policy on a dedicated page.
For major changes, we will also provide more significant notice (including notice through the way of Tellus Fritid platform publicity, and even pop-up prompt).

Significant changes to privacy policy include, but are not limited to:
There has been a major change in our service model. Such as the purpose of personal information processing, the type of personal information processing, the use of personal information, etc;
We have made significant changes in control, etc. Such as the merger and reorganization of information controller changes;
The main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure have changed; Significant changes have taken place in your right to participate in personal information processing and the way you exercise it;
Our responsible departments, contact information and complaint channels for handling personal information security have changed;
Personal information security impact assessment report shows that there is a high risk.

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