The Makspower MP100 alternator has a built-in voltage regulator with temperature sensor and external sensor cable.
You don't need to rebuild an alternator or install a complicated and expensive external voltage regulator.
You can install the Makspower MP100 alternator yourself.
Makspower has approx. 75 MP 100 dynamos in operation and they work very well.
Keep in mind that this is a very powerful alternator that requires solid cables and electrical connections for best results.
Contact Makspower for a review of what flat belt pulleys you need for your motor and how to install them yourself.
The Makspower MP 100 alternator charges approximately 80 to 115 amps at operating temperature.
With external voltage sense, it charges to 14.3 volts, which is perfect for Lithium and most lead acid batteries.
An original Hitachi 80 A alternator on a Yanmar rarely charges more than 37 amps.
Switch to the Makspower MP 100 alternator and charge your lithium batteries up to 3 times faster.
This is the best investment you can make for fast charging and better vacations.
Makspower can upgrade to Serpentine belt, flat belt. as original on Yanmar and Volvo engine.
If you want a serpentine belt, make sure you choose the standard 6-track and not another
Inconvenient solution for which you cannot get parts (alternator belt, in the middle of the holidays).