SKANBATT V2 Lithium HEAT Batteri 12V 180Ah 150A BMS – 8 års garanti!
NYHET! 12V 180Ah i en vanlig 95Ah blykasse - great if you want the most capacity possible, e.g. in your motorhome where the battery must be mounted under the seat.
High energy density / low weight - Skanbatt HighDensity (HD)
HEAT-180150BS er et helt nytt batteri hvor høy energitetthet/lav vekt er hovedfokus (Skanbatt HighDensity), foruten velkjent Skanbattkvalitet, funksjonalitet, lang garantitid og topp ytelse. Batteriet er svært velegnet til forbruk i bobil, båt, camping, industri og andre, strømkrevende applikasjoner hvor plass og vekt er viktig. Til hytter, hvor energitetthet er mindre viktig, så anbefaler vi vår Ultra-serie (12V) eller Skanbatt Powerwall (48V) – som har funksjonalitet spesielt godt egnet for hytter.
Designed for motorhomes
Dette batteriet har samme mål som alle våre andre «under-setet»-modeller, men med høyest mulig kapasitet på minst mulig volum og vekt. Dersom man monterer 2 stk. av disse under setet på eks. en Fiat Ducato-basert bobil, så får man 360Ah brukbar kapasitet under setet – ca. tilsvarende brukbare kapasitet som man får ved 50% nedtapping av ca. 7 stk. 95Ah blybatterier – men kun ca. 33 kg lithiumbatterier mot ca. 185kg blybatterier.
Built-in automatic security system
The battery has an advanced built-in battery management system (BMS) that can withstand up to 150A continuous load (very briefly up to 450A for up to 5 seconds). We normally recommend a lower continuous current draw due to potential hot spots in the polsko - 150A is a reasonable limit. The battery has standard battery terminals, which also have ready-made threaded holes for M8 bolts - if you prefer to use this. The battery computer is fully automatic and protects the battery from:
- Discharge/overcharge
- Too high a temperature
- Charging in the cold (has a built-in, automatically controlled heating element)
- Short circuit
- Overloading
- Skewed internal cells (automatic, active balancing of the cells)
Bluetooth module with battery monitor and APP support
The battery computer has a built-in Bluetooth module as well as an internal battery monitor (shunt-based) that displays:
- Remaining time and capacity in %SOC (State of Charge) and ampere hours.
- Forbruk/lading i ampere og watt (samt status) (Oppløsning på målingene er 1A til 220A, forbruk utenom dette registreres ikke). Dersom man ønsker en mer presis måling av SoC så kan man kjøpe eks. this battery or a smartshunt.
- Internal temperature in the battery
- The voltage on each cell module
- Number of cycles the battery has been used ("battery mileage") - 1 cycle = one full discharge and recharge
You can find the app here: (NB! This battery uses a different app than our other lithium batteries: "V2 Battery")
A new feature of this app is that you can collect battery information in both series and parallel, so that the app shows total information on the entire battery pack. The app also has autoconnect so that it can always connect automatically to your battery or battery bank.
Battery charger requirements
The battery can be charged with most electronic chargers, but it is important that the final voltage reaches 14.4-14.6V to achieve the highest capacity. LiFePO4 batteries do not normally require trickle charging, but most devices have current draw - so it's best to use a charging program where the charger regulates down to 13.5-13.8V when the lithium battery is fully charged. Which charging program is best will vary from charger to charger - contact us for assistance on what works best with your particular charger. We recommend using a battery charger with a charging power of between 15 and 82.5 Amps on this battery.
Parallel and series connection
This battery can be connected in parallel for increased capacity. For parallel connection, we recommend balanced connection and individual fuses per battery. For larger solutions, please contact us for design assistance. The battery can be connected in series up to 48V (as well as 24V and 36V). It is very important that all the batteries are top-charged individually before they are connected in series.
Starting engines and other large consumers
The battery is manufactured as a deep cycle battery and should not be used as a starter battery. In some cases, thrusters, winches and other equipment with high consumption can be used if the total capacity in the bank is large enough, and the solution is designed / mounted correctly for this. Please contact us for assistance if you have any questions about this.
Automatic, built-in heating system for charging lithium in the cold
The battery has a built-in heating system that allows it to be charged even in sub-zero temperatures in winter. The 100% is self-controlled and you don't need to think about it. The heater is activated when you try to charge the battery in sub-zero temperatures. The battery will then close for charging, activating the heating foil. When the battery has reached an internal temperature of approx. +5 degrees Celsius, the heater is deactivated and the battery reopens for charging. At approx. -20 degrees Celsius ambient temperature (and battery temperature), it will take just over an hour to warm up the battery until it accepts charging - the temperature rises approx. 0.4 degrees Celsius per minute when the ambient temperature is so cold.
Technical data:
- Nominal voltage: 12,8V
- Normal quiescent voltage at 100% SOC: approx. 13.2-13.35V
- Nominell kapasitet: 180Ah
- Energimengde fulladet: 2304Wh
- Self-discharge approx: <5% per month.
- Max number in series: max 4pcs (48V) (NB: All batteries must be fully charged before connecting in series)
- Maximum number in parallel: No limit as long as it is connected balanced and with individual fuse per battery.
- Max discharge current: 150A
- Max peak current: 450A <5sec
- BMS cut off voltage: 10V
- Protected against short circuit
- Max charging current: 100A (recommended <50A)
- Recommended charging voltage: 14,4-14,6V
- Voltage where BMS breaks: 15,0V
- Dimensions: 355x175x188mm
- Vekt: ca. 16,5kg (Netto)
- Terminals: Car poles w/ threads for M8 bolts
- Encapsulation: IP65
- Chemistry: LiFePO4
- Varmer aktiverer: ladestrøm >7,5A, intern temperatur i batteriet <=0 grader Celsius.
- Varmer forbruk (under lading): ca. 110 watt til batteriet når ca. +5 grader Celsius intern temperatur.
- The heater closes automatically when the battery is heated (+5 degrees Celsius), and the battery then opens for normal charging.
- The battery monitor is shunt-based and measures between 1 and 200A consumption. Consumption below 1A is not shown in the app. To reduce the margin of error on the SoC, we recommend regular recharging to 100%, or that the physical main switch is activated / battery terminal is disconnected when storing.
See the data sheet for more information.
NB: All batteries (including lead-acid batteries) must be charged to 100% with a suitable charger before use. (This can be your built-in charger in your boat or motorhome).